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Aus LstSim-Wiki
Version vom 30. Juli 2014, 16:25 Uhr von D5B (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Test (HotCat soll deutsch sprechen))
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window.hotcat_translations_from_commons = true;


This imports the latest version of HotCat from Commons.
HotCat is a gadget to make changes to categories much easier.
Full documentation can be found at commons:Help:Gadget-HotCat
  • /

mw.loader.load( '//commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

// Präfix „Datei:“ für Dateibeschreibungsseiten und Spezial:Hochladen als Vorgabe $(function () {

 var namespaceNumber = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
 if (namespaceNumber === -1 && mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == 'Upload') {
   // We're on Special:Upload: pretend we were in the file namespace.
   namespaceNumber = 6;
 // Exclude all other namespaces including talk pages and special pages
 if (namespaceNumber !== 6) return;
 $('body').delegate('.hotcatinput input:text', 'focus', function () {
   var wasSet = $(this).data('hotcatprefixset');
   if (wasSet) return; // Already done, don't re-do it (user might have deleted pre-filled text)
   if (!this.value) {
     // If input field is empty, then pre-fill it
     var namespaceNames = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces');
     if (namespaceNames && typeof (namespaceNames[namespaceNumber]) == 'string') {
       var suffix = ':';          
       this.value = namespaceNames[namespaceNumber] + suffix;
   $(this).data('hotcatprefixset', true);

}); // Localize these messages to the main language of your wiki.

 ,messages :
   { cat_removed  : 'Entferne'
    ,template_removed  : 'Entferne {{}}'
    ,cat_added    : 'Ergänze'
    ,cat_keychange: 'neuer Sortierschlüssel für: "$2"' // $2 is the new key
    ,cat_notFound : 'Kategorie "$1" konnte nicht gefunden werden'
    ,cat_exists   : 'Kategorie "$1" bereits enthalten; nicht ergänzt'
    ,cat_resolved : ' (Weiterleitung aufgelöst)'
    ,uncat_removed: 'entferne Vorlage:Uncategorized'
    ,separator    : '; '
    ,prefix       : 'HC: '
       // Some text to prefix to the edit summary.
    ,using        : ""
       // Some text to append to the edit summary. Named 'using' for historical reasons. If you prefer
       // to have a marker at the front, use prefix and set this to the empty string.
    ,multi_change : '$1 Kategorien'
       // $1 is replaced by a number. If your language has several plural forms (c.f. en:Dual (grammatical form)),
       // you can set this to an array of strings suitable for passing to mw.language.configPlural().
       // If that function doesn't exist, HotCat will simply fall back to using the last
       // entry in the array.
    ,commit       : 'Speichern'
       // Button text. Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
       // see localization hook below.
    ,ok           : 'OK'
       // Button text. Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
       // see localization hook below.
    ,cancel       : 'Abbrechen'
       // Button text. Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
       // see localization hook below.
    ,multi_error  : 'Quelltext konnte nicht abrufen werden. Deine Änderungen wurden deshalb nicht gespeichert.'
       // Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
       // see localization hook below.
,category_regexp    : '[Cc][Aa][Tt][Ee][Gg][Oo][Rr][Yy]'
  // Regular sub-expression matching all possible names for the category namespace. Is automatically localized
  // correctly if you're running MediaWiki 1.16 or later. Otherwise, set it appropriately, e.g. at the German
  // Wikipedia, use '[Cc][Aa][Tt][Ee][Gg][Oo][Rr][Yy]|[Kk][Aa][Tt][Ee][Gg][Oo][Rr][Ii][Ee]', or at the
  // Chinese Wikipedia, use '[Cc][Aa][Tt][Ee][Gg][Oo][Rr][Yy]|分类|分類'. Note that namespaces are case-
  // insensitive!
,category_canonical : 'Kategorie'
  // The standard category name on your wiki. Is automatically localized correctly if you're running
  // MediaWiki 1.16 or later; otherwise, set it to the preferred category name (e.g., "Kategorie").
,categories         : 'Kategorien'
  // Plural of category_canonical.
,disambig_category  : null
  // Any category in this category is deemed a disambiguation category; i.e., a category that should not contain
  // any items, but that contains links to other categories where stuff should be categorized. If you don't have
  // that concept on your wiki, set it to null.
,redir_category     : null
  // Any category in this category is deemed a (soft) redirect to some other category defined by the first link
  // to another category. If your wiki doesn't have soft category redirects, set this to null.
,links : {change: '(±)', remove: '(−)', add: '(+)', restore: '(×)', undo: '(×)', down: '(↓)', up: '(↑)'}
  // The little modification links displayed after category names.
,tooltips : {
   change:  'Ändern'
  ,remove:  'Entfernen'
  ,add:     'Neue Kategorie hinzufügen'
  ,restore: 'Wiederherstellen'
  ,undo:    'Zurücksetzen'
  ,down:    'durch Unterkategorie ersetzen'
  ,up:      'durch Überkategorie ersetzen'
  // The tooltips for the above links
,addmulti           : '++'
  // The HTML content of the "enter multi-mode" link at the front.
,multi_tooltip      : 'Mehrere Kategorien ändern'
  // Tooltip for the "enter multi-mode" link
,disable            :
   function () { // Return true to disable HotCat. HotCat guarantees that the wg* globals exist here.
     var ns = wgNamespaceNumber;
     return (   ns < 0   // Special pages; Special:Upload is handled differently
             || ns === 10 // Templates
             || ns === 8  // MediaWiki
             || ns === 6 && wgArticleId === 0 // Non-existing file pages
             || ns === 2 && /\.(js|css)$/.test(wgTitle) // User scripts
             || typeof (wgNamespaceIds) != 'undefined'
                && (   ns === wgNamespaceIds['creator']
                    || ns === wgNamespaceIds['timedtext']
                    || ns === wgNamespaceIds['institution']
,uncat_regexp : null
  // A regexp matching a templates used to mark uncategorized pages, if your wiki does have that.
  // If not, set it to null.
,existsYes    : '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/P_yes.svg/20px-P_yes.svg.png'
,existsNo     : '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/P_no.svg/20px-P_no.svg.png'
  // The images used for the little indication icon. Should not need changing.
,template_regexp    : '[Tt][Ee][Mm][Pp][Ll][Aa][Tt][Ee]'
  // Regexp to recognize templates. Like "category" above; autolocalized for MW 1.16+, otherwise set manually here.
  // On the German Wikipedia, you might use '[Tt][Ee][Mm][Pp][Ll][Aa][Tt][Ee]|[Vv][Oo][Rr][Ll][Aa][Gg][Ee]'.
,template_categories : {}
  // a list of categories which can be removed by removing a template
  // key: the category without namespace
  // value: A regexp matching the template name, again without namespace
  // If you don't have this at your wiki, or don't want this, set it to an empty object {}.
,engine_names : {
   searchindex : 'Indexsuche'
  ,pagelist    : 'Seitenliste'
  ,combined    : 'Kombinierte Suche'
  ,subcat      : 'Unterkategorien'
  ,parentcat   : 'Überkategorien'